Sunday, 31 March 2013

List names of famouse ghosts in asia

 1. Japan

     a. Hanakao-San

 Toire no Hanako or commonly known as the ghost Hanako toilet inhabitants, is one of the ghosts that popular among Japanese school children. Its popularity makes youkai Often is Often featured in the manga, anime, and movies. Each talking about toilets are fairly austere, even Japanese people associate with ghosts Hanako. Hanako Who exactly is it?.Gender: FemaleHeight: Around 120 cmWeight: UnknownCharacteristics: bob hair, red skirtWeapons: NoneHabitat: School ToiletMovement: Moving aroundHanako is actually a name that is quite old-fashioned to the name of a Japanese woman and had been a 'trend' in the past. Mentioned, Hanako ghost legend Began in the 1950's when it was a scene where the little boy in the toilet sightings school with a red skirt, short bob hair, and could Appear in the bathroom elementary schools in Japan. Urban legend says that at that time there was a little boy who was hiding in the school toilet from the pursuit of his mother crazy, but unfortunate he was found and killed by the mother. Other versions say that Hanako is a little boy who winner! Because of air raids of World War II, when he was playing hide and seek with his friend and hid in the toilet.

     b. Teke Teke

 Name: kashima ReikoOther names: Teke - Teke, Brick - brickArea: School toilets and places - other placesSpecial Strength: Can crawl quicklyDanger Level: DangerousInterests:?Doghouse:?

Kashima Reiko or Teke - Teke is a ghost or a phantom woman without legs are usually located in the school toilet japan. Tek - tek or Teke - Teke is one urban legend of the famous Japanese decent. Teke - Teke is a demon girl who fell from the train and therefore his legs cut off. And now his ghost haunts around Japan, dragging half of the body by using his hands like claws. So that every time he moves, he makes the sound "Tech ... Tech ...".
c. Kuchisake Onna

This legend is said to come from a young woman named Kuchisake Onna who lived hundreds of years ago as the wife or concubine of a samurai. This woman has a very pretty face, because it was the samurai said there will be no other woman will apparently unrequited love and betray the young woman samurai with cheating. When a dark secret known, the samurai would feel very jealous and furious immediately.His eyes darkened and lost his senses. He immediately drew his sword and cut the slit mouth woman from right ear to left ear. He then said, "Who would think that you are beautiful now?"Onna Kuchisake mouth gaping wide open, but no sound whatsoever coming out of his mouth. There was just blood rushing soaked robe. His eyes bulged and tears indicating that he was holding her extreme pain. But still there is no any sound coming out of his mouth.Left alone by the samurai for hours on end, until he died. Since the demise of curiosity, her spirit still haunt to keep looking for the samurai and demanded revenge. His nickname is Satan mouthed gap.Long story short, this legend passed down through the generations until now. The myth that there is now a myth that a woman exploring in the night with his face covered by a surgical mask.When he found a man, she will shyly ask, "Am I pretty?" ("Watashi Kirei?").If the person answers "yes," then he would take off his mask and said, "How about now?" ("Kore demo?"). At this point, if the victim answered "No," he would kill them or cut their mouths to resemble hers with scissors or a knife. But if the victim said she was still beautiful for the second time (after the woman opened the mask), he followed the victim to the house and killed them on the doorstep of their homes.

2. South Korea 

 1. Cheonyeo Gwishin (처녀 귀신), Virgin Ghost) 
Cheonyeo Gwishin can be called as well as its people Kuntilanak Korea (Korea is in the form of ghosts and long-haired woman in white). In the Korean legend, a young woman who died in a virgin will be bitter against his shame (shame because it was a virgin). Hence came the female ghosts who were around relatives and friends.
Korea ghost sightings described Cheonyeo Gwishin very long haired woman wearing a white dress (traditional Korean dress, hanbok), his face pale and blood dripping from the side of his mouth, korea ghost sightings can be seen as in the film The Ring Virus (Sadako mode on ). Because of its mission to get married are not met, then it is impossible for him to cross over into the afterlife. It is said that the ghost is condemned newlyweds, but it is also considered to bring ghost sickness or accident. The only way to get rid of ghosts korea is performing an exorcism ritual or by marrying a virgin ghost (Cheonyeo Gwishin) with ghost bachelor (Mongdal).

 2. Jeoseung Only (저승 사자), Angel of Death)  
Korea ghost Jeoseung Only or interpreted Representative of Jeoseung are subtle creatures that suck the soul and the souls guiding through the dark misty forest towards the hereafter (Korean version of the Grim Reaper). Jeoseung not heaven or hell, but it is the destination of the dead (called reverse Yiseung, or earth). 
Korea ghost sightings Jeoseung Just horrible as it is still a part of the cemetery and shamanism is still practiced in the rural areas. Traditionally, Korean ghost sightings Jeoseung only be described as an agent of a corrupt government that threatened to misuse of people died in custody, unless they are bribed with offerings.

 3. Dokkaebi

Dokkaebi is a common word for a type of spirit in Korean folklore or fairy tales.
The Dokkaebi is a mythical being that appears in many old Korean folktales. Although usually frightening, it could also represent a humorous, grotesque-looking sprite or goblin. These creatures loved mischief and playing mean tricks on bad people and they rewarded good people with wealth and blessings. They are different from ghosts (귀신) in that they are not formed by the death of a human being, but rather by the transformation of an inanimate object.

Different versions of the Korean Dokkaebi mythology assign different attributes to them. In some cases they are considered harmless but nevertheless mischievous, usually playing pranks on people or challenging wayward travellers to a ssireum (Korean wrestling) match for the right to pass.
Most Dokkaebi to carry a kind of club or mallet called a dokkaebi bangmang'i (도깨비 방망이). They are like magic wands, from which it can summon anything it wants. Unfortunately, when it gets something by using it, it gets things by "stealing" from someone else, because this bangmang'i can only summon existing things, and it doesn't create objects out of thin air.
Dokkaebi love to play games, especially ssireum as mentioned above. They are extremely good at it and one will never be able to beat them by trying to push them from the left side. However, they are very weak on the right side. In other stories one should hook their leg and push them to win, as they have only one leg.
Dokkaebi can also have a cap which is called dokkaebi gamtu (도깨비 감투). Its most well-known ability is that it gives the wearer invisibility.

3. China

1. vampire chinece version
the undead-like man, dressed full Chinese tradition, preserved face and preening. Ghost moves by jumping while both her ​​hands straight forward. Jump distance versus ghost is said further pocong. It is argued, should Chinese Ghost caught or stopped its movement if the forehead. This creature is believed to rise from the grave / tomb of China because they spirits not at rest even though his body in meditation it perfectly. It is not pervasive but likes to Annoy People, Usually at night. Ghost half Chinese people believe that free is killing and eating humans as zombies, but there is no evidence to support that opinion firmly.

4.  Thailand 

1. Bajang

Bajang refers to a kind of strange spirits and maintained for the purpose of defeating the enemy. Bajang revered than dead babies die during birth. He is a male demon that often manifests as a cat pole cat. It is argued Bajang resembles a large weasel his deep eyes, wide and staring. Bajang often attacking childhood mystery and capable of causing disease that may be fatal to the prey nya.Bajang be escorted by their owners and will be stored in a reed tube. Some kind of special leaves to be used as a cap savings and locked to desist. Bajang issued only if the owners want to wear her foes.
 Bajang maintained it will be fed eggs and milk. If it were not maintained properly and fed, Bajang a hunger strike master. Bajang it will be avoided by using a talisman or amulet. There is no way to kill Usually bajang but if only master mind, he will be killed or driven from their homes Usually need it. Bajang inherited, and if only not handed down to Heirs, his master would be a lifeless corpse. His body was dead and stinking, but when about to be buried, it will rise as life. In addition, he will eat when fed greedily.

5. Indonesia

1.  Pontianak (kuntianak) 
 Pontianak is a creature that resembles a woman, dressed all in white, with long hair, often grinned and occasionally carrying tombstones wrapped like a baby. Pontianak are trusted by the Malay community than render pregnant woman who died when her son. There is also the opinion that free states it is the jinn / ghost of a vengeful wild and act annoying people.

2.  Pocong / ghost jumping candy / Punjut
 Pocong Ghosts  also known as the Ghost Punjut referring to a type of creature shaped like a dead body wrapped in a shroud. Ghosts often said to harass wrap the weak spirit, and will move by leaping like a ghost china. He was said to be able to move as appropriate train, moving along with the train that is guided by their perturbed prey.

Created by: devi safitri 

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Traditional House in Indonesia

In Indonesia, the construction of the house symbolizes the division of the macrocosm into three regions: the upper world, the seat of deities and ancestors. The typical way of buildings in Southeast Asia is to build on stilts, an architectural form usually combined with a saddle roof. Another characteristic of Southeast Asian houses is the forked horn on the roof, which is considered to be a symbol of the buffalo, regarded throughout the region as a link between Heaven and this world. The most famous stilt houses of Indonesia are those of the Dayak in Borneo, the Minangkabau and Batak on Sumatra, and the Toraja on Sulawesi.

The Long Houses of the Dayak:
Long House - before 1920, Tumbang Malahui, Central Borneo.

The Dayak, some of the original inhabitants of Borneo, build long houses on stilts, using ironwood for the structure and tree bark for the walls; the floor are simple planks of wood placed side by side. The length of these houses was for the last century of 110 meters (over 360 feet) and today they generally range from 10 to 70 meters (33 to 230 feet).
On Borneo the long house forms a center for both social life and for rituals. Here people meet to talk after work, and its here the central ceremonies and rituals of the group are performed.In each long house is a central stilt or main post which is the first to be placed in position when the house is built. This post is associated with the ancestor who founded the house has a sacred signifiance; it stands in the center of the house and its looked on as the link between the underworld and the upper world. The long houses were often decorated with representations of water snakes and rhinoceros birds. They were connected with the group's central creation myth, for water snake is associated with the underworld and the rhinoceros bird with the upper world of the good spirits.

The Houses of the Minangkabau:
Rice store - Minangkabau architecture, Pagaruyung near Bukit Tinggi, Sumatra.

The Minangkabau are the Malaysian people who lives in the Padang highlands of Sumatra (west of Sumatra). Typical of the houses of the Minangkabau are the distinctive roofs, which look like buffalo horns. The word "Minangkabau" can actually be interpreted as a compound of the words menang (win) and kerbau (buffalo). This derives from a local legends that people relates that a buffalo fight was arranged by the locals and the people of the influential kingdom of Majapahit (eastern Java). The loacls'buffalo was the winner and since that time they have called themselves the "buffalo winners", Minangkabau, as a proud testament to their strength and courage. The houses are called rumah gadang (large house) and are not inhabited by differents families, but by three or four generations who come from one ancestor and thus a rumah gadang is also a family unit, and each of the Minangkabau identifies completely with his or her own rumah gadang.
The rumah gadang has three main areas: immediately after the entrance comes a middle ares (rumah tongah), where there is normally a central post; adjoining this the anjuang, and the bedrooms (biliak). Opposite the anjuang is the kitchen and in front of that a large space (pangkalan), where visitors are received. While the long house is a meeting place for all, therumah gadang is essentially a women's area; none of the men spends much time in the house with his mother or his wife, and the biliak (bedrooms) are seen as room of the house reflects a woman's life cycle, and forms a journey from the central post to the anjuang, then the biliak, and lastly to the kitchen.

The Houses of the Batak:
The Batak, who live in north Sumatra, are divided into six ethnic groups. Two Bataks races, the Mandailing and the Angkola Batak, became Muslim in the middle of the 19th century, and Toba Batak were converted to Christianity in 1864 by the German Rheinisch Missionary Society. The others kept their native religion, though there have been converts to Islam and Christianity more recently.
"The houses of the Toba and Karo are recognizable by their massive style of building construction, which is suited to the way the inhabitants settled more and less permanently. The stilt house is an eminently pratical form of architecture for life in the tropics. Unfortunately, the Toba Batak houses are no longer being built. Earlier, rice stores (sopo) were a part of the traditional house, the rumah adat. The sopo were very important as status symbols.The ornaments put onto the external walls of the house are meant to drive away evil influences. These ornaments consist of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic representations, carved decorative ornaments, and wall paintings. The colors used are natural colors, the most iportant being red (from red clay), white (from chalk), and black (from charcoal), which respectively represent the three spheres of the cosmos: the human world, the world of good spirits above, and the underworld.
Batak house - Rumah adat, Lake Toba on the Island of Samosir.

The Houses of the Toraja:
The ethnic groups in the mountain regions of southwest and central Sulawesi (Celebes) are known by the name of Toraja, which has come to mean "those who live upstream" or "those who live in the mountains". Their name is in fact derived fromRaja, which in Sanskrit means "king". The society is hierarchically structured: the noblemen are called rengnge, the ordinary people to makaka, and the slaves to kaunan; birth determines which rank a person will occupy.
The distinctive features of the traditional houses (tongkonan) of the Toraja are the "buffalo horns", the roof design and the rich decoration on the walls. The buffalo is a symbol of status, courage, strength and fighting spirit.Designed as a representation of the universe, the tongkonan is constructed in three parts: the upper world (the roof), the world of humans (the middle of the building), and the underworld (the space under the floor). The highly distinctive roofs constructed by the Toraja have given rise to various ingenious interpretations. Certainly the roof is something of deep significance for the Toraja, and even today they build "modern" (in other words houses built with cement) houses with such roofs.
A tongkonan - Toraja area, Sulawesi (Celebes).

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Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Delicious Typical Food of Asian

1.  Tom Yam from Thailand

Tom yum or tom yam (Lao: ຕົ້ມຍຳ [tôm ɲam]; Thai: ต้มยำ, [tôm jam]) is a spicy clear soup typical in Laos and Thailand. Tom yum is widely served in neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, and has been popularised around the world.
Literally, the words "tom yum" are derived from two Tai words: "tom" and "yam". "Tom" refers to boiling process (soup, in this case). "Yam" refers to a kind of Lao and Thai spicy and sour salad. Thus, "tom yum" is a Lao and Thai hot and sour soup. Indeed, tom yum is characterised by its distinct hot and sour flavours, with fragrant herbs generously used in the broth. The basic broth is made of stock and fresh ingredients such as lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves, galangal, lime juice, fish sauce and crushed chili peppers.
In neighbouring countries like Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, the name tom yum is used widely for various spicy soups which can differ greatly from true Lao and Thai tom yum soup. As a result, people are often confused by the disparities.

  2. Japan
a. Nikujyaga
 Nikujyaga is a stew that is rich in protein and carbohydrates are classically served in homes in Japan. Composition nikujyaga include potatoes, carrots, fish, meat, and other seasonings.

b. Onigiri
 O-nigiri (お握り or 御握り; おにぎ), also known as o-musubi, nigirimeshi (握り飯; にぎりめ) or rice ball, is a Japanese food made from white rice formed into triangular or oval shapes and often wrapped in nori (seaweed). Traditionally, an onigiri is filled with pickled ume (umeboshi), salted salmon, katsuobushi, kombu, tarako, or any other salty or sour ingredient as a natural preservative. Because of the popularity of onigiri in Japan, most convenience stores stock their onigiri with various fillings and flavors. There are even specialized shops which only sell onigiri to take away.

c. Yakiniku

Yakiniku , meaning "grilled meat", is a Japanese term which, in its broadest sense, refers to grilled meat dishes. "Yakiniku" originally referred to the "barbecue" of western food, which was given by Japanese writer, "Robun Kanagaki (仮名垣魯文)" in his literature, "Seiyo Ryoritsu (meaning "western food handbook")", in 1872 (The Meiji period). Meat has been eaten in Japan since the Jōmon period. However, the rise of Buddhism made the eating of meat tabooed, and consequently meat disappeared from the table from the middle ages to the Edo period.The term "yakiniku" became associated to Korean-influenced cuisine during the early Showa period. Due to the Korean War, Korean restaurants in Japan were divided into North Korean (Chōsen) and South Korean (Kankoku); "yakiniku restaurant" arose as a politically correct term to refer to restaurants of either type.

d. Okonomiyaki

 Okonomiyaki (お好み焼き o-konomi-yak) is a Japanese savoury pancake containing a variety of ingredients. The name is derived from the word okonomi, meaning "what you like" or "what you want", and yaki meaning "grilled" or "cooked" (cf. yakitori and yakisoba). Okonomiyaki is mainly associated with Kansai or Hiroshima areas of Japan, but is widely available throughout the country. Toppings and batters tend to vary according to region. Tokyo okonomiyaki is usually smaller than a Hiroshima or Kansai okonomiyaki.

3.  South Korea
a. Bibimbab
비빔밥 (bibimbap)
One of the most popular Korean dishes, bibimbap consists of a bowl of rice topped with fresh and cooked vegetables and red chili pepper paste. Everything is mixed together before eating which one mashes up with a spoon, stirring in your preferred quantity of gochujang (고추장 chili sauce). Seasoned raw beef, grilled beef, or a fried egg can also be added. Literally means "mixed rice", which is a pretty good description. Particularly tasty is dolsot bibimbap (돌솥비빔밥), served in a piping hot stone bowl that cooks the rice to a crisp on the bottom and edges.

b. Kimbab
 Gimbap or kimbap is a popular Korean dish made from steamed white rice (bap) and various other ingredients, rolled in gim (sheets of dried laver seaweed) and served in bite-size slices Gimbap is often eaten during picnics or outdoor events, or as a light lunch, served with danmuji or kimchi.

4.  pOLOs Pehi from Sri Lanka

 typical food in Sri Lanka during Ramadan are likely familiar with the tongue of the people of Indonesia. Has a very spicy, the cuisine is dominated by eggs, and processed grated coconut, onions and spices ingredients to another. In addition to the traditional cuisine, the food is also often seen as the main menu in various restaurant-restaurant which is quite luxurious in the country's largest producer of graphite World.

5. Pakora from India 
  If we were in India, a country known for one of the world thanks to the Taj Mahal is also a tradition of breaking the typical menu. Generally, during Ramadan, local residents connect with their food menu called by the name of pakora. 
Pakora is one of the typical Indian food. Lunch is served with a simple but very compelling. Shaped like a fried mushrooms, consisting of flour and spices as dough, and vegetables such as broccoli or onions, food is often used as a typical takjil Indian Society in Ramadan.

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Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Now, I will discuss about whether the Jews ... :)

We understand that during this was among people evolving paradigm that assumes that Jews are a race which has advantages in terms of intelligence. But is it so? why Jews are so smart? Why did god give advantage to them? Is this a coincidence? Or the results of your own business?
Let's start from the pregnancy:
Once the Israeli woman who discovers she is pregnant with the child, then the mother's right is often singing and playing the piano, and also bought a book of mathematics.
Playing the piano and singing aims to influence mood innate baby when born. With singing and playing the piano, then the mother will feel the serenity.
It is expected the baby will have the innate character of a quiet and mature thinking when faced with life's problems later.
While working on a math problem aims to develop intelligence baby in the womb.
Latter with their child genius.
And the Jewish mother who is pregnant, constantly working on math problems that exist until the time of delivery. Sometimes they worked together with her husband and asked his brothers if no problems are difficult.
That is ... they do not train their intelligence of small children, from toddlers, from the age of 3 months, but from the time in the womb, a plan which is in is not it?!.
How to feed a family of Jews:
From the beginning he loved to eat containing nut korma with almonds and milk. Midday main meal of bread and fish without a head (again, without a head!) With a mixed salad with almonds and various types of nuts.
According to the Jewish woman, fish meat really good for brain development and head of the fish is not well contains chemicals that can damage a child's brain development and growth in the womb. Just as the Japanese custom in crafting genius also eat the flesh of the fish), It is the custom of the Jews when pregnant. Being a sort of obligation to pregnant mothers taking fish oil pills.
At the same time every invitation I've noticed, they loved to eat fish (only the content or fillet), "Usually if you have no fish, no meat. Fish and meat are not there together at one table. According to a Jewish family, a mixture of meat and fish is not good eaten together. Salad and beans, should, especially almond nuts.
Principle"if I'm eating fish, no meat should not be eaten together" was the same as eating perinsip Rasullullah SAW, the rare human illness worldwide)
They will also eat fruits before the main course. Do not be surprised if you are invited to a Jewish house you will be served first fruits. According to them, by eating kabohidrat dish (rice or bread) first and then fruits, this will cause us to feel sleepy.
As a result, weak and trouble to understand the lessons in school. Apparently eating fruit first and rice, will cause fruit rot. Because the process of digestion in the stomach it takes a long time. So that would make the fruit had long queues until he hurried foul first. (Never let the apples that have been peeled right? Long will yellow and can rot right? Was simply ignored and exposed to air loh ... how about mixed processed food in the stomach we? Certainly rot before it can be processed first. Thus the term "eating fruit after eating rice" as dessert was WRONG. Eating fruit before eating nasilah is right, not after eating rice. useless.)
Jewish Children:
They are very concerned about the food, the food is fruit beginning with almond nuts, followed by swallowing fish oil pills (code liver oil).
Nuts Almonds Badam =:
Nuts Almond = Almonds, Almond or Fruit, Fruit like peaches and apricots, only discarded when the fruit is harvested, leaving only the seeds, as it is referred to as bean.
Jewish kids are really smart. On average they understand three languages: Hebrew, Arabic and English. (Turns out it's something new to learn to balance the two sides of our brains. Examples ya like learning a different language - different) small anyway since they have been trained to play the piano and violin. It is an obligation. According to them playing music and understanding not to increase IQ. It certainly would make children smarter. This is according to Jewish scientist, upbeat music stimulates the brain. No wonder many experts the music of the Jews. Music they listen to ya music can add their intelligence. That music-mannerism mannerism bethoven so deh. (It turns out that according to Adi W Gunawan said in the book Born To BE Genius) Childhood:
So in grades 1 to 6, Jewish children will be taught math-based commerce. Science teaching is preferred. Stephen's observation, "The comparison with children in California, the IQ level can I say 6 years back!" He said. All lessons will be easily caught by Jewish children. Apart from the last lesson, the sport is also a liability for them. Preferred sport is archery, shooting and running. According to his Jewish friend Stephen, archery and shooting can train the brain focus. Besides shooting part of the preparations for the defense of the country. children who are good at sports, they usually have the ability to take quick decisions, because their brains are trained to move quickly, regardless of the good or bad of their achievements in school.
High School:
One Jewish High School:
Here digojlok students with science lessons. They are encouraged to create products. Although they sometimes seem funny project and waste, still studied seriously. Especially if studied in the form of weapons, medicine and engineering. The idea will be taken to a higher level.
One more thing is that given the primacy of economics faculty. Dr. Stephen Carr Leon really surprised to see they are so aggressive and serious they are studying economics. At the end of the year diuniversitas, students are required to work on the project. And they have to practice it.
You will only pass if your team (10 students per set) can gain as much as U.S. $ 1 million! You surprised? That's the reality. Smoking for them is taboo. If you were invited to eat at a Jewish home, do not smoke at all times. Without hesitation they will tell you to get out of their homes. Telling you smoke outside their homes. According to Israeli scientists, research suggests nicotine may damage the main cells in the human brain and will be attached to the gene. That is, the offspring of smokers will take a generation of brain defects (stupid). A discovery of genes and DNA Israeli scientists.
Conclusion, childbearing and intelligent breed that is imperative. Certainly not a matter that can be solved overnight. Need process, perhaps through several generations? Other news about how the education of children is of our brothers in Palestine. Why Israel targeted Palestinian children. Missed is why the barbaric Israeli aggression of December 27, 2008 yesterday focused on the slaughter of Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip. As we know, after the expiration of three weeks, the death toll from the Holocaust that has reached more than 1300 people over. Nearly half of them are children. In addition to its Jewish character that does not have a conscience, target children are not coincidental. A month ago, according to Ramadan 1429 Hijri, Ismali Haniya, the Hamas leader, inaugurated around 3500 Palestinian children who have hafidz al-Quran. Children who have memorized 30 juz Quran is a source of fear Zionist Jews. "If the young age they have mastered the Qur'an, imagine 20 years from now they'll be like what?" The ideas developed in the minds of the Jewish people. No wonder the children of Palestine into the penghafal Koran. Conditions blockaded Gaza from Israel every direction by making them continue to intense interaction with the Qur'an. There was no playing Play Station or games for them. However, the conditions that encourage them to be the penghafal is still so young. Now, because of the fear of invaders, about 500 boys penghafal Quran had been martyred. The long war with the Jews will continue knows how many more generations. It's just a matter of a turn. Now Palestine and tomorrow it could be Indonesia. What is the ratio Indonesian government's attention in nurturing the next generation compared to its neighbors. Take for example the nearest neighbor is Singapore. Take a simple example of the author alone, smoking. Singapore other than applying strict rules about smoking, are also very expensive. Is it true that smoking can bring forth generation "idiot!" Stupid is not the word of the author, but the word itself from Stephen Carr Leon himself. He had met some of the evidence supporting this theory. Jewish Genetic Diseases Making Intelligent Nation
RECEIVER Nobel prize award is certainly not a random. Moreover, the category of science, it takes genius to win this prestigious prize.
Interestingly, the number of Nobel existing Jewish communities that dominate. Naturally, if the group is often referred to as the genius. So, what makes the Jews so smart? There is assumption that Jewish intelligence trained before they were born. The Jewish mothers who are pregnant have a misconception that unborn children have been given a lesson even if only through hearing.
Therefore it is not uncommon Jewish mothers who are pregnant often listen to classical music. The reason, classical music can affect the brain development of the baby. The mother of the Jews who are pregnant will often sing and play the piano. In addition, the mother and her husband will also be plenty to buy math books and they solve problems together. The mother will continue to work on math problems up until the time of delivery.
In addition, the mother likes to eat nuts and dates with almond milk. Midday main meal of bread and fish without the head with a mixed salad with almond nuts and various types of nuts. In view of the Jews, the fish meat is very good for brain development. While the head of the fish contain chemicals that are not good that can damage a child's brain growth and development in the womb.
Therefore, there is a kind of "ritual" in the Jewish nation that there is no obligation for pregnant women to consume fish oil pills. However, a study shows another fact. Jewish cleverness caused more genetic diseases called Ashkenazi. One of inherited diseases associated with the brain this would make them have a score of intelligent quotient (IQ), the highest in the world. Ashkenazi besides making a comeback also very deadly.
At least that is described in this paper Prefesor Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending published in 2005. Cochran always wondered why the Jews are very smart. He doubted the theory of natural selection that led to Jews being smart. Cochran browse through a number of scientific journals, and he reveals a new theory to Harpending, an honorary professor at the University of Utah, USA, who had previously been doing research.
Harpending also a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Cochran assess gene that causes corrupted the Jews became more pintar.Kesimpulan Cochran opened a new debate concerning the relationship between DNA with IQ. Then, Cochran (psychologist) and Harpending (education researcher) called Ashkenazi which resulted in higher brain power. From the results of a study published in early 2009 by the Department of Anthropology University of Utah, USA, it was revealed the controversy about human evolution.
The two scientists found that the average IQ of the Jews is 107.5 to 115. That figure is above the European average, which only reached 100. At least, though different 7 values, is sufficient to distinguish the level of genius. Because genetic disease that, among the Jews there was a group called Ashkenazi Jews. This is one smart ethnic group in the world.
According to their research, there are data indicating an unusually high IQ found in Ashkenazi Jews (Jews of European descent). The average IQ is 100 Europeans, Jews of European descent while the average yield IQ scores ranged from 107.5 to 115. This allows the Ashkenazi Jews have the possibility of six-fold to become a genius than non-Jewish Europeans.
Both scientists were declared Ashkenazi Jewish intelligentsia results from three factors. First, due to the influence of marriage historically low levels. Secondly, due to social and political persecution medieval Ashkenazi Jews forced out of public works to work-based intelligence resulting in higher rates for Jews.
Third, due to the tendency to suffer from diseases that affect the processing of sphingolipids, the fat molecules that transmit nerve signals. Ashkenazi Jews are disproportionately affected by some deadly disorders, including Tay-Sachs, a disease that weakens and cause fatal neurological disorder with a life expectancy of 4 years. In addition, there Canavan brain disease with a life expectancy of 5 years and Gaucher disease in which fat accumulates in the liver, spleen, bone marrow, lungs and even the brain.
There is also a Niemann-Pick disease type which babies accumulate Adi fatal fatty tissue in various organs. This will cause profound brain damage and death before the age of 2 years. However, the two scientists were convinced that many deadly diseases diidap Jews would have a heterozygote advantage (a collection of mechanisms that maintain diversity of eukaryotic genes by providing reproductive success).
That is, these advantages have two copies of the mutated gene. On the one side causing serious health problems, but on the other hand have a copy that causes the positive health effects. Although many "hereditary disease" fatal Jews suffered, they continue to pass on the higher intelligence.
Cochran confirm that Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence will continue to be controversial because of the inconvenience of the public to label one ethnic group more intelligent than others. In fact, people can accept that some groups are taller, shorter, or faster. The results Cochran and Harpending's "Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence" also mentioned, the population of Jews in the U.S., only about 3 percent of the total number of U.S. society.
Even so, they won 27 percent of Nobel prizes in science since 1950. The same is true of the ACM Turing award Awards where Jews won 25 percent of the award given by the Association for Computing Machinery a technical contribution to the world of computer science.
Moreover, not a few Jews who holds the title as the world chess champion. Some of the names of the Jews who have won the Nobel Prize include Bernard Katz for his theory of neuromuscular transmission, Andrew Schally won a Nobel in endocrinology. There is also George Wald (Nobel for furthering our understanding of the human eye) and Stanley Cohen (Nobel in embryology).

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